Well, the long awaited, much anticipated, and highly promoted, 912 Project Truck is done. The folks at Today's Graphics INC have gone over and above what was expected in design, dedication and application of this project. Words, nor could pictures ever describe how I appreciate their quality in workmanship and generous devotion of their time.
While Glenn Beck does not have anything to do with this project personally, his website, and radio and television talk shows are certainly the inspiration behind the design.
I believe, like Glenn, that we all have a place in life, we are all here for a purpose. While we may not always know where we are being led, where God is telling us to go, as long as we go where He guides us, all will work out. The road may be rough, trials will be many but if we will Keep Our Chin Up, Eyes Forward, and Pray Fervently, God will certainly help us through the trials and tribulations we may suffer. My belief is that Glenn is here to encourage all of us and that I am here to do what I am doing...Trying to wake up America. You too, have a purpose, a calling if you will. The fact is, that if you are here, or on www.the912project.com, or listening to Glenn on his radio and television shows, I think it is for a reason. This country was founded on Christian Values and it will be saved in the same manner in which it was founded, and by the same type of folks, regular, everyday, run of the mill, average RED BLOODED AMERICANS!!!
All that being said, I have for several weeks been promising pictures of my truck after the "wrap" was done. Wait no longer. The pictures are here, the truck is done, and we will be back on the road on the evening of the 18th of July. I will, as promised, be updating this site almost daily, sometimes more often, other times less often, so that you will know where I am and if I am going to be in your city soon. I hope that you will all come see the truck if we get to your city. The company we work for has terminals in all major U.S. cities, mostly around the airport any given city.
For now, please enjoy the pictures until you can get to see the truck. Remember, pictures just do not do this wrap justice.
Please, if you like what we are doing, if you believe in our country, the 912 project, the Tea Party Movement, and that all we need is to wake Americans up so that we can salvage our country, feel free to donate here to help defray the costs of our project. Remember, we will be in Washington D.C. on September 12, 2009 and if you donate here, I want you signature on the truck when we see you there.
In God I Trust
Have a Great day and a Better Tomorrow