
Monday, August 30, 2010

Back from D.C., Working on the 9/12 Truck

We're back from D.C. and the amazing Restoring Honor rally. I have much to say so check back later this evening or in the morning. I have a lot of work to do on the truck in the next few days so I won't be writing until the evening.

In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Obama's Religion...Not Muslim, Not Buddhism, Definately Not Christian

I suppose to understand one's religion, we must first understand what "Religion" or being "religious" really means. The best definition I can find is in Miriam Webster's online dictionary. Following are the definitions. Just click the words for the definitions.



Many years ago, I remember a preacher preaching a sermon on religion. I remember the point being that to be religious, one only has to do something, anything, including going to church to Worship God, with devotion and or regularity. The point being that anything can be done religiously.

We've all heard sayings or phrases like, "he goes to the bank religiously on Friday evening", or "I take my health supplements religiously".

This word, like many in our vocabulary, has been morphed into things not necessarily intended for it's original meaning. I'm not nor do I intend to imply here that being religious is not a good thing. I believe it depends on what one is religious about and ones goals and beliefs as to whether or not it is a good religion.

More to the point is to figure out what we believe "O"'s religious beliefs are or what "O" is religious about these days. Following is my observation concerning "O"'s religion.

I believe Barack Obama worships at the alter of power. Power being his only god. I further believe that his only religion is politics. Stay with me here. You see, Obama's ride, or vehicle, to power is politics just as Christianity through Jesus Christ is our, or at least is my ride, or vehicle to God which is who's alter at which I worship.

If we watch Obama, we invariably see that his faith depends on to whom he is speaking. When he speaks to the Muslims, it seams that he likes to talk about his deep rooted Muslim back ground from his father's. When he speaks to a Christian audience, he likes to talk about his Christian mother and how his faith is grounded in Christian beliefs. Though I haven't seen, because I refuse to watch all his speeches, I suspect the same is true at speeches in front of Catholics, Jews, Budists, Etc.

Being not sure whether I've made my point, let me say here, Obama is a panderer. He worships at the alter of politics, meaning whichever god is politically expedient to the audience to whom he is speaking. Pandering is politics. That makes politics Obama's only real religion and power his only god.

In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow

Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural rights Patriot Act - Part 3 of 3

This is an absolutely must see video. There are three parts to this video. I have posted 1 here, it is the most compelling call to arms I have seen for a while. Please folks, we must wake up and try to wake up our friends and family. On the other hand, don't waste a lot of time on any one person or group, there are far to many eager, hungry for knowledge folks that will listen to waste time on those that won't listen.

Please, watch, then take action.

Ready, set GO. Go find someone to tell, go find someone to show this video. go do something for your country...Just GO and Go NOW!!!

In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow

Monday, August 2, 2010

10 Rules for All Conservatives.

Earlier today, in an attempt to make a new friend, I approached someone, another trucker, with whom I thought I may have some like-mindedness. Man was I wrong. My goodness, how stupid of me to think that because we may disagree in one are or more that we can't agree in others.

With that in mind, I compiled a list of rules. This is an ever growing list and one that has been in the making since my political awakening 10 years or so ago. The more I learn about "the other end of the spectrum", the more rules I add.

This is the statement that sparked the compilation of the list.

"By looking at your page I really don't think you want to add me. You claim to be ultra conservative and I am at the other end of the spectrum. You claim that god rules your life and I think he is a really good fairy tale. Not to mention that I am also a Lesbian and think that one groups god should not rule everyone's life."

Now, The list...10 Rules for All Conservatives No 11 Rules.

Rule #1. Those from "the other end of the spectrum" are always matter what!

Rule #2. Diversity can only be required of Conservatives BY those from "the other end of the spectrum."

Rule #3. No Ultra Conservative Christian my be friends with a God denying person from "the other end of the spectrum"

Rule #4. Those of other than "the other end of the spectrum" minds must not ever befriend those from "the other end of the spectrum"

Rule #5. We must introduce ourselves as heterosexual, God Fearing, Bible Thumping, Conservative, gay bashing, homophobic, haters when approaching a lesbian, homosexual, or bisexual, God denying person from "the other end of the spectrum...but only when asked to do so by the person from "the other end of the spectrum as not to be deemed presumptuous of ones beliefs or sexual orientations.

Rule #6. Freedom of speech only applies to those from "the other end of the spectrum"

Rule #7. Profiling is only allowed by those from"the other end of the spectrum" to place all non lesbian, non Homosexual, non bi sexual, non God denying, Christian, Conservatives in one barrel. That would be the hater barrel according to those from "the other end of the spectrum.

Rule #8. There is no allowance for like mindedness unless ALL opinions on ALL subjects are ALL the same as those from "the other end of the spectrum"

Rule #9. Difference of opinion or a different viewpoint is only hate when applied to the ones who disagree with those from "the other end of the spectrum". Otherwise it is only a difference of opinion or a different view point.

Rule #10. When all else fails, refer to Rule #1.

Rule #11. Always assume that when our message can no longer be attacked by those from "the other end of the spectrum" with facts, that the discussion will end with a hateful, usually vial or vulgar slur.

Finally, my response to the one I approached and to whom prompted this list and the eventual posting of the list...

Seriously, I find it terribly disappointing that you believe that because my principles and values are different than yours that we can't have likes or dislikes that are in agreement in other areas of life.

Likewise, I find it discouraging that in an America that preaches diversity of opinion and lifestyle, even thrives on it, that two people who disagree on the existence of God or difference in policy or in politics not only can't but some are even unwilling to search out some like-mindedness in other areas of our lives.

Oh, and I don't believe, in any way, that My God belongs to any one group, as you implied. Salvation, Redemption is there for all who are willing to ask and make an effort to live for the God to whom they look for that Redemption.

Be Well.

So for all you folks out there who may not have the list, feel free to copy as necessary or refer to this site as often as you like. For those of you who wish to add a rule to the list, please leave a comment and once someone from "the other end of the spectrum" is consulted and agrees, I will add it to the list appropriately.
Thanks for your input.

This is their response to the rules...I have tried to remove the vulgarity
Well actually I was just trying to save you from being offended when at some point or another someone pisses me off and I post as my status message "I really wish all those god loving bible thumpers would go be with their god and leave me the f^@# alone". But I ended up offending you anyway just trying to save you from that. I guess thats what I get for trying to be nice.
My bad!

My response to their response to the rules and Rule #11
Well now, imagine that, someone from "the other end of the spectrum" taking it upon themselves to make decisions for others. Isn't that kind of the mantra of those from "the other end of the spectrum"?

It seems that those from "the other end of the spectrum" believe that we, conservative Christians or capitalists, or anyone else with whom they disagree, just aren't smart enough to fend for ourselves so they, those from "the other end of the spectrum" are always setting up blockades to avoid allowing the downtrodden, the simple mined, the less fortunate among us to learn from their perceived mistakes. I just didn't realize that I, as a Conservative Christian, was so fragile of mind, so unable to protect myself.

Quite honestly, madam, what you need to know is this. I am never offended. You see, to be offended one must wear a chip on ones shoulder. To wear a chip on ones shoulder, one must have something in ones life of which they are ashamed or about which they are confused.

I could never be "offended" by anyone's lack of mental clarity, their confusion about or shame of something in their life, not by ones choice of sexual preference, and not even by ones inability to think clearly past a vulgar, filthy diatribe almost always ending in conservative or God, or Bible thumping hater, or homophobe or the most commonly used bigot or racist. You, madam trucker, could never offend me.

Further, I need not any salvation that might be offered by a truck driving lesbian from "the other end of the spectrum".

Finally, While I would never invite an unarmed assailant into my house and start shooting, my partner has advised me that I should not continue a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed assailant.

Good Day Madam and Be Well

By the way, with every proverbial dip of your quill you seem to provide another rule.

Rule #11 for All Conservatives

Rule #11. Always assume that when our message can no longer be attacked by those from "the other end of the spectrum" with facts, that the discussion will end with a hateful, usually vial or vulgar slur.

Be well and God Bless You and Yours

In God I Trust
Have a Great day and a Better Tomorrow

In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow