I believe President Obama is the smartest, most genius, focused, purposeful, and DANGEROUS President this country has ever seen. I think he knows exactly what to say, and when and how to say it to the American people. I think he knows when people are listening, which people are listening and how to get the people he wants to listen...to listen. I believe he knows what NOT to say, when NOT to say it and precisely how to unsay whatever he might say that he didn't want to. Actually, I believe he never actually makes a mistake by saying something he didn't want to say, but rather puts little leaders or feelers out to see how a given subject might be reacted to and then knows how to redact or unsay or correct whatever may have been "misunderstood" if the reaction wasn't the one for which had had hoped. IMHO, this is exactly who Barack Obama is and what he was trained for. The word "Chameleon" comes to mind?
I believe he knows the constitution word for word , exactly what it says, but far more importantly is that I believe he knows exactly what it DOESN'T say and how to use that to his benefit to force through his agenda and policies. This man truly scares me for America and what she represents...LIBERTY!!!. I believe that if he isn't stopped he will destroy the country as we know it and make it what he and the progressive, liberal machine want, A TOTALLY CONTROLLED SOCIETY/ECONOMY.
In Closing, keep up the good fight, swing when you get an opening, and stay covered up because that right hook is gonna hurt as long as you are watching for the left jab.
I mean...I'm just sayin'.
In God I Trust
Have a Great Day and a Better Tomorrow
9-12 Truck For Sale or Looking for Sponsors
14 years ago
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